200 Best Fat Jokes: A Belly Full of Humor

fat jokes

This article is the comedic cornucopia you’ve been waiting for, brimming with the best belly laughs about bountiful bulges.

From the classic “yo mama” quips to “your so fat” jabs, we’ve curated the creme de la creme of fat jokes.

Remember, humor is subjective, and it’s all in good fun, so let’s approach these jokes with a light heart and a heavy appetite for laughter.

Yo Mama So Fat Jokes

fat jokes

This section is a classic compilation of “Yo Mama” jokes, specifically tailored for those who enjoy a chuckle at the expense of imaginary mamas’ waistlines.

  1. Yo Mama’s scale says “To be continued” since she’s overweight.
  2. Yo Mama’s so fat, She doesn’t use the internet because she already has a global presence.
  3. Yo Mama is so fat, she lowered the Wallmart’s prices by sitting on it.
  4. Yo Mama is so fat, no one could laugh when she fell because it shook the ground.
  5. People yell “Taxi” whenever Yo Mama leaves the house in her yellow outfit since she is so overweight.
  6. Yo Mama’s so fat, Google created a new search engine for her – Google Girth.
  7. Yo Mama’s so fat, 15 minutes before she does, her belly arrives home.
  8. Yo Mama is so fat, I lost gas as I turned to avoid hitting her in the road.
  9. Yo Mama is so fat, When she got to the beach, the whales all began to sing “We Are Family.”
  10. Yo Mama’s so fat, she can turn an iPhone into an iPad by sitting on it.
  11. Yo Mama’s so fat, as a belt, she wears the equator.
  12. Yo Mama is so chubby that she created Skittles by stepping on a rainbow.
  13. Yo Mama’s so fat, the scale reads “One person is allowed” when she steps on it to weigh herself.
  14. Yo Mama’s so fat, she can stuck in air by jumping.
  15. Yo Mama is so plump that she had to sit next to every kid in class.
  16. Yo Mama’s so fat, people shout “Kool-Aid!” whenever she enters a room wearing a red dress.
  17. Yo Mama is so fat, as a maxi-pad, she employs a mattress.
  18. Yo mama is so fatty that she produces oil whenever she wears high heels.
  19. Yo Mama is so fat, her bowl of cereal has a lifeguard in it.
  20. Because of her enormous size, Yo Mama had to leave the house wearing high heels and return wearing flip flops.
  21. Why don’t fat people go on cruises? Because they’re afraid they’ll tip the boat.
  22. Yo Mama’s so fat, instead of the menu when she visits a restaurant, she is given an estimate.
  23. Yo Mama’s so fat, Not even a climax can she bounce to.
  24. Yo Mama is so chubby that she slides down the sidewalk.
  25. Yo Mama’s so big that the scale reads “Please, only one person at a time!” when she tries to use it.
  26. Yo mama is so plump that her belt doesn’t even fit around the equator.
  27. Yo Mama’s so fat, her return is celebrated by the community ,when she rotates.
  28. Yo Mama is so plump that she recently went to the movies and sat in the aisle with everyone else.
  29. A Hong Kong phone book couldn’t hold all of Yo Mama’s chins.
  30. Yo Mama’s so fat, she’s unable to get at her back pocket.
  31. Yo Mama’s so fat, as soon as she stepped on a rainbow, Skittles appeared.
  32. Yo Mama’s so fat, the elephants throw peanuts at her when she visits the zoo.
  33. Yo Mama is so fat,I missed the whole series because she passed by the television.
  34. Yo Mama’s so fat, people try to hail a taxi whenever she is dressed in a yellow coat.
  35. Yo Mama’s so fat, She made my iPad into a slim TV by sitting  on it.
  36. Yo mama is so plump that she exerts her own gravitational pull.
  37. Animals hide their food from Yo Mama when they go camping since she’s so obese.
  38. Yo Mama is so fat, the entire band jumps when she dances at a gathering.
  39. Yo Mama’s so fat,She squeezed a booger out of her husband’s nose when she stood on a quarter.
  40. Yo Mama’s so fat, she always use a mattress as maxi-pad.
  41. If your mom was as fat as mine, she wouldn’t need the Internet anyhow.

Funny Fat Jokes

A collection of light-hearted and hilariously creative fat jokes that’ll tickle your funny bone. Get ready to burst into laughter and don’t forget to share the fun!

  1. What is a big psychic called? an accountant with four chins.
  2. What is the abbreviation for a fat computer? A large MAC.
  3. Why don’t most people worry about being fat? Because you can’t shoot the messenger.
  4. Did you hear about the fat guy who tried to follow a rainbow? He hoped to find a pot of gold at the end but just found a refrigerator instead.
  5. Why are fat jokes always a hit? Because they never go over people’s heads, just around them.
  6. How can you clarify if a joke is fat-shaming? It has extra layers.
  7. How do you start a diet in a big way? Swallow a diet book.
  8. What do you call a movie about a fat cat? The Great Catsby.
  9. Why don’t fat aliens invade the Earth? Because they can’t fit through the atmosphere.
  10. The fat man brought a ladder to the bar, but why? because he had heard that drinks were on the house.
  11. How do you designate a pumpkin that’s too big? A hefty gourd.
  12. Why do fat people make great detectives? They always “crack” the case.
  13. Did you hear about the overweight ghost? He was supernatural in size.
  14. How do you make a fat person furious? Tell them their clothes have zero calories.
  15. What’s the most effective way to conceal money from a fat person? Put it under the exercise machine.
  16. Why did the fat scarecrow become a successful politician? Because he excelled in his field.
  17. Why don’t fat people play hide and seek? Because they always get stuck in the past!
  18. What do you call a chubby wizard? Tubby or not tubby.
  19. Why do fat people love elevator jokes? Because they’re uplifting.

Your So Fat Jokes

fat jokes

Filled with humorous exaggerations, this set of jokes takes friendly teasing to another level. Dive in to enjoy a cascade of laughter as we bring you these playful jests!

  1. You’re so fat, when you walk by a car with tinted windows, it steams up.
  2. You’re so fat, when you wear a H-Printed shirt, on you, helicopters try to land.
  3. You’re so fat, your shadow weight of your shadow is 50 pounds.
  4. You’re so fat, You must press your trousers outside in the driveway.
  5. You’re so fat, You got stuck when you dove into the Grand Canyon.
  6. You’re so fat, when you visit the circus, they give you a job.
  7. You’re so fat,I wasn’t laughing when you fell down the stairs, but the stairs started to laugh.
  8. You’re so fat, you can use Google Maps to find your own belly button.
  9. You’re so fat, your childhood photos are aerial shots.
  10. You’re so fat, you need GPS to find your feet.
  11. You’re so fat, The scale signals “I need a Break” when you move on it.
  12. You’re so fat, when you wear striped clothing, people think you’re a zebra.
  13. You’re so fat, when you dress in green, people assume it is St. Patrick’s Day.
  14. You’re so fat, when you perch a penny, Lincoln screams.
  15. When you bungee jump, bridges collapse because you weigh so much.
  16. You’re so fat, when you walk in front of the TV, I miss three episodes.
  17. You’re so fat, when you say you’re going to sit around the house, you actually do.
  18. You’re so overweight that not even Dora the Explorer can locate you.
  19. You’re so heavy that when you took a deep dive, scientists discovered liquid water on Mars.
  20. You’re so fat, you have a blood type as Nutella.
  21. You’re so fat, when you wear a white shirt and walk outside, people think the movie theater is showing clouds on a sunny day.
  22. You’re so fat, when you walk past the fridge, it tries to pull you in with its magnetic field.
  23. You’re so fat, people shout, “Here comes the sun” when you wear a yellow shirt.
  24. You’re so fat, your driver’s license photo says, “continued on the back.”
  25. You’re so fat, when you sit on the weighing scale, you were told, “We don’t do livestock.”
  26. You’re so fat, you could sell shade.
  27. You’re so fat, your stomach gets home 15 minutes before you do.
  28. You’re so fat, At Sea World, you were baptised.
  29. You’re so fat, your high school yearbook photo was an aerial shot.
  30. You’re so fat, when you go camping, the bears hide their food.
  31. You’re so fat, your selfies need to be taken by a drone.
  32. You’re so fat, If you jump, the radar detects you.
  33. You’re so fat, when you wear a green shirt, people say “Go, Planet”.
  34. You’re so fat, when you fell in love, you tore it apart.
  35. Because of your enormous size, the scale now displays the message “One person at a time, please.

Your So Far Jokes With a Flavor of Food

This section is filled with gut-busting humor that combines our love for food and laughter! These jokes are perfect for those who have a great appetite for humor. Bon appétit and get ready for some tasty giggles.

  1. You’re so fat, when visiting KFC, you request the meal on the roof.
  2. You’re so fat, your breakfast bowl contains a lifeguard.
  3. You’re so fat, wheat Thicks are consumed by you.
  4. You’re so fat, you belong to the Ragu blood type.
  5. You’re so fat, when you go to a buffet, you take a table instead of a plate.
  6. You eat mayonnaise on aspirin because you’re so fat.
  7. You’re so fat, your doctor told you to eat more fruit, so you ate a dozen apple pies.
  8. You’re so fat, You believed Taco Bell to be a phone company.
  9. You’re so fat, you butter your bread with butter-flavored ice cream.
  10. You’re so fat, you pour Diet Coke on your salads.
  11. You’re so fat, you tried to eat your food pyramid chart thinking it was a menu.
  12. You’re so fat, You sit around the pancake house when you hang out at the house.
  13. You’re so fat, You felt that a healthy diet consisted of a cheeseburger in each hand.
  14. You’re so fat, your dinner plate has more food than a grocery store.
  15. You’re so fat, you consider a bucket of KFC and a six-pack to be a seven-course meal.
  16. Because of your enormous size, you now own the record for the largest pizza ever ordered.
  17. You’re so fat, you eat a lot of fast food because slow food can get away.
  18. You’re so fat, when you order a steak, the cows volunteer.
  19. You’re so fat, when you say you’re going on a diet, the local supermarkets panic.
  20. You’re so fat, you salt your driveway with McDonald’s fries.
  21. You’re so fat, your favorite dressing is gravy.
  22. You’re so fat, you consider potatoes a light snack.
  23. You’re so fat, when you get a craving, farmers are notified.
  24. You’re so fat, your grocery list includes “Aisle 4.”
  25. You’re so fat, your kitchen has an “on-ramp.”
  26. You’re so fat, more often than your front door, you open the refrigerator’s door.
  27. You’re so fat, Buffets that offer “all you can eat” are put out of business.
  28. You’re so overweight the scale read “to be continued.”
  29. You’re so fat, you use bacon as a band-aid.
  30. You’re so fat, you eat alphabet soup and spit out short stories.

Your So Fat Jokes in Space

With our collection of fat jokes with a space theme, take a journey through space while giggling. Get ready to explore the funny side of the universe, where humor is as infinite as the stars themselves. 

  1. You’re so fat, NASA plans to use you as a model for the next asteroid mission.
  2. You’re so fat, when you step on a scale, it says, “Houston, we have a problem!”
  3. You’re so fat, aliens abducted you and had to ask for extra fuel.
  4. You’re so fat, when you wear a yellow raincoat, people yell, Taxi Take me to Mars”.
  5. You’re so fat, you create a solar eclipse when you travel to space.
  6. You’re so fat, astronauts orbit around you.
  7. You’re so fat, you got a parking ticket for occupying the space-time continuum.
  8. You’re so fat, when you jump, you get stuck in the Earth’s orbit.
  9. You’re so fat, there is your own black hole inside of your belly button.
  10. You’re so fat, if you were a planet, you’d be called “Gaseous Maximus.”
  11. You’re so fat, NASA tracks you as a celestial body.
  12. You’re so fat, you sat on Pluto and got sued by the International Astronomical Union for demoting it from a planet.
  13. You’re so fat, your selfies are titled “Views of the Earth from space.”
  14. You’re so fat, when you fell down, scientists detected seismic activity on Mars.
  15. You’re so fat, when you go to the beach, you’re the only one who experiences high tide.
  16. You’re so fat, your gravitational pull attracts space debris.
  17. You’re so fat, astronomers discovered a new constellation when you connected the moles on your back.
  18. You’re so fat, aliens refer to you as the “Third Rock from the Sun.”
  19. You’re so fat, when you put on a space helmet, it looks like a snow globe.
  20. You’re so fat, the asteroid belt tried to hire you as a model.

Best Fat Jokes

Here, we’ve gathered the crùme de la crùme of fat jokes, that are known for their clever wit and punchy humor. 

  1. How come some people choose to make a living as bakers? They work the dough because of this.
  2. How do fat astronauts occupy their time in space? They just float around.
  3. Why do fat people always make great music? Because they’re always in treble.
  4. Why do fat people make excellent writers? They can always provide more material.
  5. How do you know if an obese person has used your phone? The buttons have mayo on them.
  6. Why did the fat guy eat a light bulb? He wanted a light snack.
  7. Why did the fat ghost refuse to leave the haunted house? He couldn’t help but stay for the boos.
  8. Why do fat people always have great birthdays? Because the cake never runs out.
  9. Why don’t fat people like jokes about weights? Because they don’t take light things lightly.
  10. What do you call a fat bird? Flamingo-large.
  11. Why did the overweight man become a gardener? He wanted to start fresh, hence the reason.
  12. Why did the fat man carry a pair of binoculars everywhere? he wanted to see his feet once more.
  13. Why do fat people never play chess? Because they can’t fit into the squares.
  14. How do you know if a fat person likes camping? They’re always pitching tents around the refrigerator.
  15. How do you invite a fat person for a swim? Just roll them into the pool.
  16. Why do fat people make great comedians? Because they’re always full of jokes.
  17. Why do fat people always win at poker? They always have a full house.
  18. Why did the fat person go to the concert? He heard the band was breaking up and thought there would be a lot of splits.
  19. Why don’t fat people play hide and seek with skinny people? Because good luck hiding when you’re behind the pole.
  20. Why are fat people bad at math? Because they can’t count their blessings when the refrigerator is full.

Good Fat Jokes

fat jokes

You’re about to dive into a cornucopia of chubbilicious humor that’s chunkier than a double-stacked burger and guaranteed to jiggle your funny bone. If you’ve been on a laughter diet, well, we’re about to throw that out the window. With these lip-smacking good fat jokes, you’ve just hit the belly
I mean, the belly laugh jackpot.

  1. Why don’t fat people play golf? Because the shirts are too ‘tee’-ny.
  2. How does a fat man clean his glasses? With lots of Windex, because the lenses are always smeared with donut glaze.
  3. Why did the fat guy bring a pencil to dinner? Because he wanted to “draw” the butter.
  4. What do you call a fat pirate? Arrrrr-chubby.
  5. What do you call a fast food place full of overweight people? Burger ‘King-sized’.
  6. Why did the fat chicken cross the road? It was the chicken’s gym day off.
  7. Why was the fat man staring at the orange juice can? Because it said concentrate, but he just couldn’t.
  8. Why do overweight people always get caught? Because they’re always “stuffed” with evidence.
  9. Why did the overweight witch start going to the gym? She wanted to get rid of her “wobble” chin.
  10. A overweight, unmotivated cat is called a what? Hell for cats.
  11. How does a fat man take his coffee? With cream, sugar, and a side of donuts.
  12. Why did the fat man bring a ladder to the buffet? Because he heard that the stakes were high.
  13. Why don’t fat people like charades? Because acting out ‘slim’ is always too much of a stretch.
  14. Why did the fat man go to the art gallery? He heard there was lots of “pasta”-els!
  15. What’s a fat person’s favorite type of joke? One with extra ‘cheese’.
  16. Why don’t overweight people play tennis? Because love means nothing to them!
  17. What do you call a fat alien? An extra cholesterol.
  18. How does a fat person do a crossword puzzle? Fries across, burgers down.
  19. Why don’t fat people play hide-and-seek? Since there’s always a ‘roll’ call, good luck hiding.
  20. Why did the overweight man take up jogging? He wanted to hear heavy breathing again.
  21. Why don’t fat people like talking about diets? They can’t stomach them.
  22. Why did the overweight superhero always save the day? He was always around.
  23. How do you make a fat cat look slim? Hang it next to an even fatter cat.
  24. Why do fat people bring pencils to dinner? Because they constantly want to ‘draw’ butter.
  25. What do you call a belt made out of watches? A waist of time.
  26. Why did the overweight person join the circus? They wanted to try out for the ‘juggle’ act.
  27. Why did the fat person bring a ladder to the coffee shop? Because the menu said the coffee was ‘on the house’.
  28. Why did the fat monster eat the lamp? He wanted a light snack.
  29. How does a fat person cut a pizza? With a ‘see-food’ diet.
  30. Why do fat people excel in school? Because every test has extra ‘marks’.
  31. How do you know when a fat person has been baking? The kitchen is full of ‘roll’ models.
  32. Why did the overweight vampire become a chef? Because he heard cooking was a ‘bat’ of a lot of fun.
  33. What is the proper term for a fat detective? Sherlock Rolls.
  34. Why don’t overweight people play baseball? Because they can’t steal a base without getting caught.
  35. Why do fat people make great philosophers? Because they’re always pondering.

End to Hilarious Journey

And there you have it, folks! A laughter-inducing smorgasbord of fat jokes to keep your humor scales tipping. Remember, laughter is the best calorie-burner. So, giggle generously, share the chuckles, and return for more.

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