Dominican Republic Drinking Age: Everything You Need To Know

Dominican Republic Drinking Age

This is a topic that covers the official Dominican Republic drinking age, a country located in the Caribbean region. Just like many other countries and islands in the same area, this beautiful island has very strict drinking laws, and we will be discussing some of the most pressing questions you may have regarding this issue. This is the topic for you to read if you’re simply curious about the alcohol laws there or if you’re planning to visit this country for a much-needed getaway. 

In comparison to other fun destinations in the Caribbean isles, the Dominican Republic’s residents consume a higher amount of alcohol than usual. In fact, they consume so much alcohol that the government is starting to see it as a problem. If you’re curious about why drinking and alcohol are so prevalent in the Dominican Republic and if their government is indeed doing something to crack down on these laws, then feel free to continue reading this topic. 

What is the Legal Drinking Age in the Dominican Republic?

In the Dominican Republic, the official age for consuming alcohol is 18 years old. A lot of popular tourist destinations in the country, including some resorts, clubs, and bars, prohibit the selling of alcohol to anyone below that age. Consuming alcohol below 18 is also against the law and could result in some heavy consequences. 

What is the Legal Drinking Age in the Dominican Republic for Tourists and Foreigners?

The government of the Dominican Republic does not exempt foreigners when it comes to their drinking laws, so the legal drinking age there is 18 years old as well. As mentioned, the country is a popular tourist spot with an active party scene, so you can pretty much find alcohol everywhere. If you are of legal age, then feel free to select the bar of your choice and enjoy your alcohol responsibly. 

Do You Need an ID to Drink in the Dominican Republic?

Dominican Republic Drinking Age

If you go to an establishment that serves alcohol, such as a bar or a nightclub, then yes, they will ask you for your ID, no matter how old you are. However, there are plenty of hotels that will provide teens with an adult wristband to get in if the person requests it. If you are at least 13 years old and above, this means that you have to pay the adult rate to get inside an establishment. If the establishment’s rules are a bit more relaxed, then they will give you a wristband instead. 

Legal Drinking Age in the Dominican Republic with Parents 

Because of the country’s growing problems related to alcoholism, the government of the Dominican Republic is quite strict when it comes to serving liquor to minors. A lot of tourists that visit the country are families with teenagers in tow or groups of college students who want to take a break. A lot of parents might not be comfortable with the idea of giving alcohol to their children, despite the country’s relaxed legal drinking age. 

Legal Drinking Age in the Dominican Republic by Region

Punta Cana, one of the most-visited spots in the country, is teeming with American and Canadian tourists, especially during the warm summer season. There are plenty of areas you can visit in the Dominican Republic to eat, drink, and have fun, but all of them follow the strict legal drinking age of 18 years old and above. 

Can Minors Drink in the Dominican Republic with Their Parents?

Drinking below 18 and giving out liquor to minors in the Dominican Republic, especially in Punta Cana, is not allowed. Any adult who gives or sells alcohol to minors will be arrested and punished according to the law, especially if the adult in question is intoxicated. Purchasing, owning, or consuming alcohol to give to a minor will also carry a penalty to both parties. 

Consequences of Breaking the Drinking Age Law in the Dominican Republic 

It depends on the situation – For instance, roaming around the streets while intoxicated will grant you a fine of at least RD$1000 to RD$5000 and around six months of jail time. Meanwhile, selling alcohol to minors will grant a harsher fee, with bigger fines and a lengthier prison sentence. 

Alcoholism in the Dominican Republic is a steadily growing issue, as it was recently revealed by the WHO that alcohol consumption among its male residents went on an average of 20.6 liters, which is a very high amount. 

A Roundup of the Dominican Republic Drinking Age

Hopefully, this topic has given you plenty of information regarding the Dominican Republic drinking age and which rules you need to follow in case you end up in this country for a vacation. As you might have learned, the Dominican Republic’s drinking culture is very prevalent, so much so that the government has begun to take matters into its own hands in regard to lowering it. So, when you do decide to go on a trip here, then be very wary and responsible when you chug down your favorite liquor. 

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