Feeling Tipsy and wondering when it will end? The fact is, the more alcohol you consume, the longer it takes to get it out of your system.
There is nothing quite like the taste of a cold beer on an evening spent with friends. Alcohol has been a part of human society since the beginning. Its consumption is prominent across different cultures and settings.
You all know there is no party without alcoholic beverages. But as much as you enjoy the taste and experience of your drink, you should know that the after-effects can last longer than you think.
One question people often ignore while drinking is how long they might stay drunk after a full night party. Sipping on a pint of beer is an amazing feeling, but too much of anything can have severe effects. According to the American Addiction Center, “ It takes 1 hour to metabolize 1 standard drink”. Variables such as weight, gender, age, height, and food consumed may affect how long alcohol stays in your system.
A responsible person always knows how much he should be drinking to avoid potentially harmful situations. Keep reading the article to know the different stages of being drunk, how long alcohol stays in our system, and how to sober up fast.
Table of Contents
ToggleWhat Does Being Drunk Feel like?

Drunk can be defined as a state of intoxication resulting from consuming alcohol. You may feel like you got off a spinning chair or had a roller coaster ride. Your mind will not be in full control as when you are sober.
The intoxication level may vary from person to person; for instance, a person with a lighter weight may feel drunk sooner than his chubby friend. There are different stages of being drunk. It is recommended to drink in moderation and avoid reaching later stages that may cause damage and serious injuries.
- Sober – Zero alcohol consumed (Full control over mind and body)
- Tipsy – A feeling of lightness, relaxation, happiness, and decreased inhibitions. (Mind and body still in control)
- Excitement – The intoxication level rises. Vision starts to lose its stability. Your alertness is lowered. You feel super-excited about things and are not afraid to take on the world.
- Confusion – Now you are on a danger level- Your judgment becomes impaired, and you will lose hand and eye coordination. It becomes difficult for you to stand properly. Your speech gets slurred, and driving is no longer a safe option for you. It’s high time you stop drinking.
- Full Drunk – Bumping into doors, difficulty in walking without support, behaving impulsive or aggressively, attracted towards everyone, including yourself, and imagining that you’re the King/Queen of the world. It is a serious stage of being very, very drunk. You should find a place and take a rest.
- Blackout – This is a critical stage of being drunk. Your brain is unable to create new memories or record the ones that are currently happening. It may be for a few minutes or several hours.
- Death – This stage may also occur if you have drunk way beyond your limitations. Your body may experience cardiac arrest or difficulty in breathing, leading to severe complications or even death. Therefore, drink responsibly.
How long Does it take for alcohol to Kick In?
There are several factors that affect how your body metabolizes 1 standard drink of alcohol. For a normal individual, it takes alcohol a minimum of 10 minutes and a maximum of 45 minutes to kick in.
The time duration totally depends on the drink you are having. Beverages with lower alcoholic content, like beer (4-5% ABV in a 12-ounce glass), may make you feel less drunk in comparison to a shot of vodka (40-95% ABV). An individual will feel drowsiness after downing a few shots.
Keep in mind that a normal liver can metabolize 1 standard drink per hour. If you drink excessively, then this may disrupt your kidney functions, increase your blood pressure, and of course, negatively affect your “brain.”
Factors Affecting how long being drunk last

You can never say for sure how long a person will stay drunk. Everyone has a different metabolism and different body structure. The more you drink, the higher your BAC gets and the longer you remain in the effects of alcohol. Let’s check out some of the most important factors that affect how long a person will stay drunk.
Body Weight
A person with more body weight may feel the effects of alcohol for a shorter period in comparison with a person who has low body mass. For instance, a person who weighs 100 pounds would reach a BAC of 0.12 after downing 3 drinks within an hour, whereas a person who weighs 200 pounds may reach this level of BAC with 6 drinks in an hour. Check out this chart to learn about your body weight and BAC.
Women tend to metabolize alcohol slower than men. They have fewer enzymes in their bodies that help break down alcohol in their stomach. The BAC in women is also affected by hormones and the menstruation cycle. Men, on the other hand, have lower BAC and don’t feel drunk as fast as women do.
Food Intake
If you really wanna enjoy a drink, you must develop healthy eating habits. Drinking on an empty stomach is not such a good idea as the amount of alcohol will go down directly to your bloodstream. Food helps slow down this process and lets you enjoy it longer. Higher the BAC, the more chances of staying drunk for a long time.
Strength of the Drink.
The type of drink definitely matters when it comes to calculating how long a person will remain under the influence of alcohol. A can of beer has lower alcoholic content as compared to spirits. You have to drink a few cans to feel drunk whereas only 2 shots of vodka can make you feel tipsy. The stronger the drink with higher alcohol by volume (ABV), the longer the state of being drunk is likely to last.
Medication and Health Conditions
It takes at least 1 hour to break down 1 standard drink in your body. However, if you have certain medical conditions related to the liver or kidney, then it will affect how the body processes the alcohol in your system.
Tolerance Level
If you can’t survive a day without beer then your body becomes tolerant of those alcohols. It’s not such good news because you may not feel drunk when in reality, you are and have a high BAC. Your brain keeps wanting one more drink, and you keep intoxicating yourself just to feel drunker. Remember, you should not drink beyond your capacity.
Alcohol Intoxication-Duration of Being Drunk
The effects of alcohol can last between 2-6 hours. However, it is not limited to these periods. It depends on how much drink you have consumed and may vary according to a person’s body type. Some people may experience being drunk for a long while others may sober up fast.
When your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) returns to zero, there is a chance you’ll experience a hangover. Common symptoms include headache, nausea, anxiety, irritability, and muscle aches. You can’t call yourself drunk when you’re in a state of hangover. It might take 24-48 hours for the symptoms to completely vanish and make you feel sober again.
Getting Sober Fast!

There is no straightforward way to sober up fast other than to stop drinking, which means counting your drinks, slowing down when you move above the tipsy level, eating snacks, and avoiding mixing drinks. Your liver needs time to process the alcoholic content. You can follow these tips to feel better, but the best way to feel sober again is to pass the time and take a rest.
Drink Water – Keeping yourself hydrated is a crucial precaution to take while consuming alcohol. It reduces the chances of hangovers and helps flush out toxins from the body. There is nothing more hydrating than water. Even sports drinks might not be good enough to restore your hydration level.
Get Some Fresh Air – There is nothing more refreshing than fresh air to help you sober up. Fresh air helps constrict blood vessels and improve circulation so that you feel less dizzy and don’t suffer from headaches. Walking will also help the liver process alcohol more. This may not make you feel completely sober, but it will make you feel a little better till the effects of alcohol fade out.
Coffee – Caffeine is famous for keeping an individual active. It may increase your alertness level, but you would still be in a drunk state.
Cold Showers – By taking a shower, you allow your mind to feel more relaxed and alert. However, if you are planning to take a shower, do inform someone close by, as the effects may last longer than you think. You don’t wanna hurt yourself in the shower.
Eating – There is no harm in grabbing a snack during or after consuming a drink. Food will help reduce the effects of alcohol on the body by delaying its absorption in the blood. Try to grab a food rich in carbs, proteins, and fats.
Sleep, Sleep, and Sleep – If nothing works out, get plenty of rest. By doing so, you will keep yourself and your loved ones safe. You won’t be embarrassed by the actions you did the previous night.
Final Take Away
In conclusion, the duration of being drunk will vary on factors such as gender, weight, type of drink consumed, and so on. After a full night of drinking, you might feel completely sober after 24-48 hours. In any case, you must learn to enjoy your drink responsibly, and you should know how much your body can handle.
There are several tips to sober up fast, but the most effective and recommended method is to find a nice place to rest and sleep the whole process through. Avoid drunk driving at all costs because there is nothing more important in the world than human life.

I am a passionate beer connoisseur with a deep appreciation for the art and science of brewing. With years of experience tasting and evaluating various beers, I love to share my opinions and insights with others and I am always eager to engage in lively discussions about my favorite beverage.