A lot of people like to stop after a long, hard day to have a beer or relax at home in the garden or a pool with a cool can. Many are curious about how many ounces are in that can and the amount of alcohol per serving. As a rule, a standard serving or one regular beer can equals 12 fluid ounces, with most cans on the market being either 12 or 16 ounces.
You will find large varieties in 24 and 32 ounces, but as a rule, 12 ounces is the typical purchase. Back in the 1900s, beer bottles held approximately 26 ounces. A pint holds 16 ounces, so you’ll have roughly ¼ less than a pint. In 12 ounces, you’ll get between “0.05 and 15 percent alcohol content.”
Despite the country’s propensity towards excess, the beer size here is less than in many countries. The United Kingdom standard size is 14.8 ounces for bottles and cans, while most German beer containers are 16.9 ounces. Once Prohibition ended, it was decided that 12 fluid ounces was a sufficient amount.
What Is Considered A Standard Can Of Beer?

Beer is a favored alcoholic beverage worldwide served in either cans or bottles of varying sizes, with the standard serving size being 12 fluid ounces or 355 milliliters in both a can and a bottle. There are larger and even smaller sizes, but the most commonly purchased and consumed is the 12-ounce can or bottle.
These contain roughly 5 percent ABV or alcohol by volume. If you intend to drink more than a couple, paying attention to the content is essential. For someone who wants to share with friends, the larger sizes, including the 24 and 32 ounces, can be divided. These are referred to as “tallboys or bombers.” Microbreweries will sell small cans that hold approximately 8 ounces.
Let’s look at different sizes and how the market references them with varying call tags or “nicknames.”
- The 7-ounce or 200 ml is much smaller than the 12-ounce standard size. This beer is referred to as the “pony or nip.” People enjoy this option because it offers a lower alcohol content.
- The 16-ounce or 473 ml is slightly larger than the standard 12-ounce serving size. The reference for this beer is “pint can or tallboy.” It is the traditional pint glass with a growing favor among craft brewers.
- The 19.2-ounce or 550 ml offers much more beer than the 12-ounce can or bottle. This variety is referred to as the “stovepipe” can. It has been designated as the perfect size for “canned cocktails.”
- The 32-ounce or 946 ml tops out as the largest size available in a can. The beer is referred to as a “ballena or cag or 40.” Most prefer this for its high alcohol content.
A 12-fluid-ounce can of beer is standard and a typical purchase because it is sufficiently satisfying and easy enough to drink and carry. Regardless of the size you choose, it’s important to remember to pay attention to the alcohol content. A standard serving size is equal to one can of 12 fluid ounces at 5 percent. Maybe this is the reason for the measurement.

I am a passionate beer connoisseur with a deep appreciation for the art and science of brewing. With years of experience tasting and evaluating various beers, I love to share my opinions and insights with others and I am always eager to engage in lively discussions about my favorite beverage.