It’s time to level up your drinking game- With a whopping 300 Do or Drink questions at your disposal, get ready to dive into a night of entertainment like never before.
Do or Drink is a fun game that pushes you to step outside of your comfort zone. It’s similar to a Truth or Dare game but with a spirited twist: instead of bearing hidden truths, players are supposed to take a sip and embrace the thrill.
From easy, friendly dares to dirty ones, these Do or Drink Questions will buzz up your party in no time. You can start off with simple dares and then level up with the naughtiest dares you can think of. As the game progresses, dares get more fierce and entertaining. You can also use your creativity to add a little spice to the game.
To fully enjoy the game, the players should be aware of their legal drinking age. You don’t wanna get caught drinking without a permit at a bar or pub. It’s crucial to remember that these questions are designed for adults. So, while you indulge in the excitement, always keep in mind the importance of responsible drinking. Do or Drink is a fun game that you can enjoy with your friends at home or outdoors.
Get ready to break some boundaries, as these dares will push you to the very limits. While embracing the challenges, ensure the game remains a source of entertainment, steering clear of anything that might dampen the spirits of your friends. Above all, revel in the joy and amusement that this game brings forth.
Check out these 300 Do or Drink Questions that will bring your boring party back to life!
Table of Contents
ToggleHow to Play
The game can be played with multiple players or with just two individuals, like a couple. Unlike many other drinking games that demand elaborate setups, “Do or Drink” keeps it refreshingly simple – a stack of dares meticulously written on paper or black and white cards.
The ingenious twist? Black cards stand as the gatekeepers of more daring challenges and force you to take multiple shots- adding an extra layer of excitement to the mix. If a player refuses to perform a dare then they must take a shot instead. Whether you’re gathered in a crowd or sharing an intimate moment with a partner, this game ensures that laughter, camaraderie, and exhilaration are all you need for an unforgettable experience.
Dirty Do or Drink Questions

- Send your crush a dic pic and wait until tomorrow.
- Do a professor impersonation and teach everyone tips for how things can be great in bed.
- Send your cousin a message telling her you want to marry her.
- Reenact your partner when they are in full mood
- Send your ex 50 love messages and gifs
- Dance with a towel on
- Imitate an orgasm
- Crawl on the floor for your partner passionately, showing you’re ready for the next move.
- Search for the dirtiest movie you can find online and show it to the person on your right.
- Say a few romantic lines to your cell phone
- Seductively eat a lollipop while looking at your crush
- Go outside and propose to the first stranger that comes along
- Pick a random phone contact and send them dirty voicemails
- Spank your partner and take a picture
- Perform a dirty dance in front of the group
- Practice kissing in a mirror
- Pick up an object near you and show everyone how you would put on protection.
- Take a walk outside wearing just your underwear.
- Let everyone watch your search history.
- Call your partner and tell them you were cheating on them
- Take a picture of your “O” face and post it on Instagram for 48 hours
- Post on your Instagram that you’re having a baby
- Pick someone in the group and act out an intimate scene with them
- Close your eyes. Turn around 3 times. Open your eyes and kiss the person you see first
- Tell everyone about your favorite position
- Give your best friend a lap dance for 3 minutes
- Kiss someone with your mouth full
- Text your strictest teacher saying, “I Love You.”
- Pole dance while imagining your friend as a pole
- Tell everyone about your secret crush
- Lick your toes and take a picture to post it on your Facebook for 3 hours
- Tell romantic poetry to the person sitting right next to you
- Let your friend write on your back ” “I am a big s”x machine,” and take a 10-minute walk outside with it.
- Twerk for 50 seconds
- Send a se*y test to your boss
- Flirt with your neighbors for 5 minutes
- Sing a dirty rap in front of your parents
- Undress someone in the group using your teeth
- Kiss your partner’s best friend
- Look in the eyes of the person you dislike the most and say romantic love lines to them.
- Call your ex and apologize for 5 minutes.
- Ask your friend to undress you till you’re left with one piece of clothing
Best Do or Drink Questions
- Pour hot sauce inside your pants
- Ask your friend to babysit your little brother for free
- Open Instagram and comment on the first 5 stories you see
- Stand in front of the mirror-argue with yourself, and pretend as if your reflection is responding.
- Count backward from 500 as fast as possible.
- Break an egg on your forehead.
- Ask your friend to take your pic sitting in the toilet and post it on Facebook.
- Do a Micheal Jackson impersonation in public
- Demonstrate how you shave your legs
- Send the name of all your exes to your current partner
- Put ketchup on your face
- Go outside and shout out loud, ” I need a partner.”
- Steal one accessory from the person sitting next to you without letting them know. This can be done anytime during the game.
- Call your parents and tell them you got arrested
- Set your ex’s pic on your Instagram dp
- Watch your crush passionately for 5 minutes
- Eat 4 hottest chilies you can find in your house.
- Order pizza for everyone
- Scratch your partner’s back
- Give a relaxing hair massage to the person with the longest hairs
- Pretend to be a puppy till your next turn
- Eat 12 bananas and say out loud, “I am a monkey.”
- Sing a love song outside your neighbor’s window
- Without using your hands, eat a slice of pizza
- Beg money from the entire group
- Tell everyone how many times you cheated on exams
- Put on clown makeup and take a selfie to use it as your lock screen.
- Run like you are being chased by a bear for 5 minutes
- Drink 2 litre bottles of water
- Ask your friend to put cake all over your face
- Pretend to be a snake till your next turn
- Tell everyone a spooky story
- Call your boss and tell him you hate him
- Write on a paper, “I am super se*y” 100 times.
- Reveal your biggest secret
- Perform Belly dance in front of the group
- Use your hankie to clean your partner’s feet
- Do a frog race with your best friend, or both will drink.
- Keep your cell phone in a separate room till the game ends
- Act like your favorite Marvel character
- Eat all the leftovers
- Spell everyone’s name backwards
Do or Drink Questions for Friends
- Take a disgusting selfie together, and both will post it on their social media accounts.
- Kiss your least favorite friend in the group
- Draw matching tattoos
- Share the story of Your recent breakup
- Call your parents and tell them you are moving permanently to your friend’s house.
- Tell your friend’s weirdest secret
- Lick the floor as if your favorite food is lying there
- Put on as many clothes as you can and take a shower
- Ask a stranger to share their number with you
- Go and wear your best dating outfit
- Play a prank on a stranger
- Text your teacher telling him your assignment got stolen
- Impersonate opposite gender
- Act like a businessman until your next turn
- Speak in Spanish for 5 minutes
- Put ice cubes in your friend’s shirt for 3 minutes
- Propose your friend’s sibling
- Pretend like a Japanese samurai throughout the game
- Record a short chicken dance video of yourself and send it to your crush
- Do 50 push-ups
- Pick out a food item from the garbage can and eat it
- Make a fart sound with your mouth
- Spin around 20 times and try to stand straight with one leg up
- Eat a mouthful of chips and try to whistle at the same time
- Laugh like Count Dracula
- Write a text to your dad using only your toes
- Call a friend and tell them they forgot that today was your birthday.
- Put someone’s smelly socks on your face for a minute
- Eat a raw onion without drinking water
- Keep both of your hands in your pocket till your next turn
- Act like Sherlock Holmes
- Eat a spoonful of peanut butter with pickle juice
- Make a cocktail for everyone
- Pretend you are drunk and act naughty with the person sitting next to you
- Text your best friend and tell them that you’re suffering from a chronic disease.
- Chase a stranger like a dog
- Draw a beard on your face and post it on FB
- Close your eyes and let someone in the group hit you gently. You have to tell who did it, or else take 2 shots
- When you receive a call, talk like a recorded message
- Dance to a 70s song
- Unroll the entire toilet paper, then fold it
- Moonwalk for 4 minutes.
- Lie like a pro and tell your parents you’re in rehab
- Tell everyone when you last wet the bed
Random Do or Drink Questions

- Draw your ideal destination on a piece of paper.
- Impersonate your most disliked teacher
- Perform 60 squats
- Mix a beer with milk and drink it
- Rub your hair with a banana peel
- Poke a stranger and run as fast as you can
- Put a filled glass on your head and try to balance it with one leg.
- Steal candy from a kid passing by.
- Shout out loud what’s in your mind right now
- Speak like the opposite gender throughout the game
- Tell your darkest secret to the person you hate most
- Keep your eyes closed and have a sip of a drink selected by the group.
- Act as a servant for everyone throughout the game
- Call a stranger and tell them they won $10k
- Keep your tongue outside like a dog till your next turn
- Put your friend’s finger in your mouth
- Pretend to be the King throughout the game
- Make everyone laugh- You have a minute
- Get tickled by your friend- You can’t laugh
- Pretend as if you don’t have any bones in the body and dance
- Inform your parents that you got engaged
- Post your selfie with a face mask on your face
- Show everyone your chatbox
- Make fries for everyone
- Speak about your mom for 10 minutes
- Post your worst test scores on Facebook
- Call a stranger and bark for 10 seconds
- Imagine you’re a mummy- Wrap toilet paper all around your head and face
- Howl like a wolf in front of your neighbor’s window
- Pretend to be an opera singer and use your loudest voice to sing
- Show everyone your personal diary
- Pretend to be drunk and call a friend, asking him to pick you up from some random place.
- Narrate the biography of a bed
- Give $1 to all the players in the group
- Speak like a baby
- Pretend like a cheerleader and cheer for all the players in the group. Include the names of all the players.
- Tap dance for 2 minutes
- Talk like a parrot till your next turn
- Lay on the floor and pretend as if you’re a fish out of water
- Put lipstick on your teeth
- Take a deep breath while sniffing your friend’s armpit
- Chug a beer and burp as loud as you can
- Sit in a dumpster for a minute
Do or Drink Questions for Couples
- Perform a tango dance with the person to your right
- Lick food off your partner’s cheeks
- Take a bubbly hot shower
- Wear your most se*y dress
- Propose your partner and tell her/him how you feel about them
- Wear the same outfit as your partner
- Draw a tattoo of your partner’s name on your hand
- Pick lice from your girlfriend/boyfriend’s head
- Use the same toothbrush as your significant other
- Get pinched by your partner
- Narrate the sad story of your last breakup
- Give your partner a pedicure
- List the names of all your relationships in the past 5 years
- Pretend as if you are an alien
- Put on your partner’s favorite fragrance
- Tell your significant other an erotic story
- Act like a boxer and treat the person sitting next to you as a punching bag.
- Run in circles for 3 minutes.
- Hold your partner’s hand firmly- look ‘em in the eye and tell them you’re dating someone else. Make a convincing story.
- Put whipped cream on your face
- Act out a romantic scene from a movie
- Take out 3 pieces of clothing off your partner without using your hands
- Change your Facebook status to “Not available.”
- Eat a whole pack of candies and say Yummy after each one
- Kiss your partner’s feet
- Get a complete makeover by your significant other
- Pretend to talk to your imaginary friend
- Call your parents and tell them you got hit by a car
- Tell what’s really going on in your head while making out
- Use sign language to communicate for 10 minutes
- Sing “A Thousand Years” from Twilight for your partner
- Switch undergarments with your boyfriend/girlfriend
- Blush for the next 15 minutes
- Put on a leash and let your partner walk you like a dog
- Put your partner’s dirty sock on your hand like gloves
- Tell me about your worst nightmare
- Walk like a ghost from the movie Grudge
- Write a love letter and eat it
- Tell your partner’s worst habits on their face
- Reenact how you both first met
- Give your significant other a full-body massage
- Show your partner your 4-year-old pic
- Make your partner laugh- You have 2 minutes
Do or Drink Questions Spicy
- Post it on all your social media accounts
- Give your partner a call and tell them you’re seeing someone else now.
- Get shaved by your crush
- Narrate your most embarrassing date
- Take a selfie with a s*x toy and post it on your
- Update your status by including my name and introducing me as your spouse
- Kiss someone of the same gender, take a selfie, and post it on your Instagram.
- Tell your parents you have fallen in love with a maid
- Say something naughty to the player at left
- Call a restaurant, order everything on the menu, and tell them your friend’s name and address.
- State one insulting comment for everyone in the group
- Dance to Michael Jackson’s song.
- Get your hands tied behind your back till your next turn
- Stare passionately to the person you most dislike
- Exchange clothes with the person next to you and take a cute selfie
- Whisper some dirty talk to the person sitting to your right
- Gently glide your hands over someone else’s lips and softly murmur, “I’ll see you very soon.”
- Put your hand from inside-on the back, of the player sitting beside you.
- Make different animal sounds
- Act horny for 5 minutes
- Do Yoga till your next turn
- Make your worst orga*m sound
- Tell everyone what really turns you on
- Wash your friend’s smelly socks
- Reenact an intimate scene you had with your ex- Pick a person to your right
- Take a bite of soap
- Show everyone your one special skill
- Make a loud cow sound
- Put your finger in your best friend’s nose
- Beg money from a stranger
- Pick a partner and go skinny-dipping
- Leave an aggressive voicemail to your ex
- Scrub the floor with your undergarments
- Ask a stranger to buy you a cup of coffee
- Eat half a cup sugar
- Sing what is exactly in your heart right now
- Do a bridal ramp walk
- Gargle for 3 minutes
- Keep smiling till your next turn
- Write on your T-shirt “ I am available tonight.”
- Shop online for a s*x toy
- Send a nude photo to your partner
- Pretend to be a po*n star
- Wear a nerdy outfit
- Make an imaginary ad for a cond*m
- Act like an ostrich for 4 minutes
Do or Drink Questions For Adults
- Get a leg wax from the player to your right
- Put on clown makeup
- Tease a player for 5 minutes
- Put mustard sauce on your hair like a shampoo
- Call your boss and tell them you quit
- Give a presentation on how to seduce your partner
- Crazy dance with a broom
- Put your head on the shoulder of the person sitting next to you
- Make popcorn for everyone
- Impersonate a 60s actor
- Pretend as if you’re the boss of a big mafia gang
- Go without shoes in the toilet
- Kiss your partner in a new place
- Sing a rap about your favorite sneakers
- Fool a stranger saying you are being chased by cops for murdering someone
- Zip your lip for 10 minutes
- Juggle the most expensive showpieces you have
- Act like Kung Fu Panda
- Send love messages to the first 10 contacts on your phone
- Pretend to be Tarzan till your next turn
- Impersonate Miranda Presley from the movie “Devil Wears Prada.”
- Hide behind an object nearby and play the rest of the game from there
- Google the meaning of your name
- Create fake news that you’re moving to a different country.
- Post it on all your social media accounts that you were adopted
- Walk and talk like an 80 year till your next turn
- Send a dirty GIF to your friend’s sibling
- Try to hit on the fattest person in the group
- Order Italian from a Chinese restaurant
- Make pig noises every time a player curses
- Show the hottest dance move you know
- Highlight your se*iest body part
- Eat raw bacon with peanut butter
- Practice kissing someone passionately in the air
- Run to the nearest store and buy as many chips as you can – You have to be back in 5 minutes
- Floss someone else’s teeth
- Give your cell phone to someone for the entire game. They can use it the way they want
- Sketch your partner pic and put it on your DP
- Mix milk with Sprite and salt and drink it
- Give your best friend a piggyback ride
- Dance in a crowded area wearing just your underpants
- Show everyone your closet
- Text a person you barely know asking to go on a date
- Go commando for the entire game
- Dirty talk a random object
- Flirt with a person 20 years older than you.
As we wrap up our exploration of “Do or Drink,” it’s clear this game isn’t just any old party addition – it’s a game-changer. With its simple setup and versatile appeal, it’s the ultimate choice whether you’ve got a big crew or just a buddy. White cards, black cards – they all pack a punch of fun and excitement.
From hilarious challenges to daring dares, this game breaks down walls and builds bonds. So whether you’re laughing off a white card or taking on a black card challenge, remember: “Do or Drink” isn’t just a game – it’s a memory-maker you won’t forget. Cheers to good times!

I am a passionate beer connoisseur with a deep appreciation for the art and science of brewing. With years of experience tasting and evaluating various beers, I love to share my opinions and insights with others and I am always eager to engage in lively discussions about my favorite beverage.