Time to put your mind to the test! Trivia Questions are a great way to find out who pretends to be smart and who actually is smart.
Gather ’round, folks! If you’re in search of a quick socializing hack, you just landed at the right place. We’re talking about the treasure box of trivia questions! Picture this – you and your pals, locked in an epic battle of wits, laughter echoing through the room. With categories ranging from everyday stuff to mind-bending history, you’re about to take game night to a whole new level.
Here’s the deal- you pick the category that floats your boat, and then the real fun begins. Watch as your buddies scratch their heads and rack their brains to earn those bragging rights. With a list of brain teasers in your hand, you’ll be the undisputed champ of knowledge nuggets in no time.
Pro tip # Choose the category your pals secretly adore – it’s a guaranteed recipe for a night of friendly competition and endless banter.
But you know what? It’s not solely about winning or the hilarious misses. Trivia nights are sneaky cool ways to boost your general knowledge. Who said learning can’t be all fun and games? So, get ready to outsmart, outwit, and out-trivia everyone you know. With over 500 questions, you’re basically the guru of good times. Let’s dive in and let the party begin!”
Table of Contents
ToggleGeneral Trivia Questions

- Who invented the first bicycle? Karl Von Drais
- Sundar Pichai is the CEO of which company? Google
- Which is the fastest animal on land? Cheetah capable of reaching 70 mph speed
- What does IPA stand for? Indian Pale Ale
- Who was the individual who became the second person to set foot on the moon? Buzz Aldrin
- Where did Princess Diana get married? St.Paul’s Cathedral in London
- World War II was fought between which countries? Axis countries (such as Germany, Italy, and Japan) vs. Allied nations (including the United States, Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union)
- Who are the founders of Microsoft? Bill Gates and Paul Allen
- Which two brothers created the first computer virus? Basit and Amjad Farooq Alvi
- Who invented the first mobile phone? John F Mitchell and Martin Cooper of Motorola
- Who painted the “Mona Lisa”? Leonardo Da Vinci
- What is the abbreviation for WWE? World Wrestling Entertainment
- Who won the first Nobel Peace Prize? Jean Henri Dunant
- Ankara is the capital of which country? Turkey
- Which planet has the highest number of moons surrounding it? Saturn
- Where is Neuschwanstein Castle? Schwangau, Germany
- Which country has the title “ The City Never Sleeps”? NewYork
- Where is Burj Khalifa? Dubai
- What is the national sport of China? Table Tennis
- Which is the largest museum in New York? The Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Who wrote the Harry Potter series? J.K Rowling
- Name the smallest ocean on Earth. Arctic
- Giant Panda is the national animal of which country? China
- What is the currency of Russia? Ruble
- What was the former name of Google? Backrub
- Which country stands as the third most densely inhabited among the nations of the world? United States
- Which country has the highest rate of criminal activity? Venezuela
- Who is the CEO of Apple? Tim Cook
- Who sang Billie Jeans? Micheal Jackson
- Which animal has 32 brains? Leech
- Who is Christiano Ronaldo? A football player from Portugal
- What is a famous landmark of Easter Island? Statues called Moai
- Which is the slowest bird in the world? American WoodCock
- Where is the Colosseum located? Rome, Italy
- Who made the world’s largest Pizza? Pizza Hut and Air rack
- Georges Lemaître is credited as a progenitor of which theory? The Big Bang Theory
- Samba is a famous dance style of which country? Brazil
- Who wrote Othello? Shakespeare
- Who designed Titanic? Thomas Andrews
- Which is the world’s largest religion being preached? Christianity
- Who sang for the Disney Character Elsa in the movie Frozen? Idina Menzel
- In which state is the Pentagon? Virginia
Random Trivia Questions

- When was the Panama Canal completed? (August 15, 1914)
- How long is the Panama Canal? (Approximately 50 miles (80 kilometers) long.)
- Panama Canal connects which two seas? (Atlantic and Pacific Oceans)
- Which country completed the Panama Canal? (United States of America)
- Which two seas are connected through Suez Canal? (Red Sea & Mediterranean Sea)
- When was the construction of Burj Khalifa completed? (1 October 2009)
- When was the Suez Canal completed? (17 November 1869)
- Where is Burj Khalifa located? (Dubai, UAE)
- How long is the Suez Canal? (120 miles – 193 KM)What is the Floor count of Burj Khalifa? (154 + 9 maintenance)
- Who was the architecture firm for Burj Khalifa? (Skidmore, Owings & Merril)
- Where is Oceangate Inc HQ located? (Everett, Washington)
- Who are the founders of Ocean Gate Inc? (Stockton Rush, Guillermo Sohnlein)
- How long is the English Channel? (560 KM – 350 Miles)
- Channel Tunnel connects which two cities? (Folkestone, Kent, England to Coquelles, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France)
- Oppenheimer is famous for the construction of? (Atomic Bomb)
- How many continents are in the world? (Seven)
- Which is the largest continent? (Asia)
- What is the total count of oceans found on Earth? (Five)
- Name the biggest ocean on Earth. (Pacific Ocean)
- What is the title of the world’s second-largest ocean? (Atlantic Ocean)
- How many seasons are there in a year? (Four)
- Who established Honda Motor Co. Ltd.? (Soichiro Honda)
- Trojan Horse was constructed by the Greeks to gain entrance to which city? (Troy)
- In Greek Mythology, who is known as the God of the Underworld? (Hades)
- In Greek Mythology, who is known as the God of the Sea? (Poseidon)
- When did World War II start? (01-Sep-1939)
- When was the Bretton wood conference held? (01-22 July, 1944)
- When was the International Monetary Fund formed? (27 December 1945)
- What is the location of the headquarters of the IMF? (Washington DC, US)
- When was the World Bank established? (7 July 1944)
- BeiDou Navigation Satellite System is owned by which country? (China)
- Which country owns the GPS (Global Positioning System)? (USA)
- What does NASA stand for? (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
- Where is NASA HQ located? (Washington DC)
- When was NASA formed? (29 July 1958)
- What is the Capital of France? (Paris)
- Which is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the World? (Great Pyramid of Giza)
- The Sabah Al Ahmad Sea city in Kuwait is also known as? (Khiran Pearl City)
- Leaning Tower is located in which city? (Pisa)
- Where is the Pyramid of the Moon Located? (Mesoamerica)
- Where is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) energy particle collider located? (near Geneva, Switzerland)
Sports Trivia Questions
- Which sport has the title of King of Sports? Football
- Cricket is the national sport of which country? England
- How frequently has Michael Schumacher secured the world championship? He has won it 7 times.
- Who is Steve Nash? Basketball player
- Where was the first Modern Olympics held? Athens
- How many rules are there in football? 17
- Which sport has the most fan following? Football/soccer
- Where is the origin of modern golf? Scotland
- Between Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, who has the greater number of goals? It’s Cristiano Ronaldo.
- Which boxer has the highest record of knock-outs? Billy Bird
- How many pins are there in bowling? 10
- Which of these is an actor and a wrestler, “The Rock” or “Brock Lesnar”? The Rock
- Who is the richest basketball player? Micheal Jordan
- An ice hockey team is made up of how many players? 6 on each team
- For how long a football match is played? 90 minutes
- What does a century mean in Cricket? 100 Runs scored
- Which Italian footballer died in an accident? Anwar Megbli
- Who is the founder of football? Walter Camp
- What does ODI stand for? One Day International
- Who has served as a famous cricketer and a great Prime Minister of his country? Imran Khan
- Which belt represents the beginner stage in Karate? White belt
- In Olympic history, who got the highest number of Gold medals? Michael Phelps
- Who is Mary Kom? A famous boxer
- What is the total number of players in a football team? 11 players
- Name the first sport in the world that originated in Greece. Wrestling
- In bowling, what do you call it when a player hits three strikes in a row? A turkey
- Where is Waca Cricket Ground? Perth
- Where did Sumo Wrestling originate? Japan
- What is the abbreviation for MMA? Mixed Martial Arts
- Who holds the record for hitting the most home runs in Baseball? Barry Bonds
- How many balls are required to play a snooker game? 22 balls
- How long is a basketball match? 48 min
- What’s a bull’s eye? The center of the target is represented by a small red circle.
- What’s a 100-mile marathon called? A centurion races.
- Where did bullfighting originate? Ronda, Spain
- Which country won the Fifa World Cup in 1978? Argentina
- Which runner is known as Lighting Bolt? Usain Bolt
- Which beer is called the King of Beers? Budweiser
- Where did World Beer Cup 2023 take place? Nashville, United States
- Which sport is known as the queen of sports? Gymnastics
- Which is the number one online game? PUBG
- What does a player say when he/she wins a chess game? Checkmate
- How many squares are present on a chessboard? 64 squares
Hard Trivia Questions

- What structure claims the distinction of being the most extended man-made construction on the planet? (Great Wall of China)
- What is the designated power-generating capability of the “Three Gorges Dam”? (22,500MW)
- In which country can the world’s largest dam be found? (China)
- Which country has the largest rail transport network size? (United States)
- Which country has the second largest rail transport network size? (China)
- Which is the world’s largest airport by size? (King Fahd International Airport, Saudi Arabia)
- Where can you find the world’s longest tunnel? (Gotthard Base Tunnel, Switzerland)
- What is the Launch date of the International Space Station? (20 November 1998)
- Palm Jumeirah is located in which country? (Dubai)
- What is the administrative headquarters of the monarch of the UK called? (Buckingham Palace)
- Where is the Louvre Museum located? (France)
- Where can you find the beautiful Taj Mahal? India
- In which year was the first programmable, electronic, general-purpose digital computer ENIAC completed? (1945)
- Which is considered the World’s most used search engine? (Google)
- What is the collection of eight bits called? (Byte)
- Stonehenge, an ancient stone circle, is located in which country? (Wiltshire, England)
- Who had the Taj Mahal constructed? (Emperor Shah Jahan)
- What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize? (freedom and democracy)
- What does RFID stand for? (Radio Frequency Identification)
- SSL that allows encrypted online banking and shopping stands for? (Secure Sockets Layer)
- What is the name of the world’s first artificial satellite? (Sputnik1)
- What is the launch date of Sputnik-1? (04 October 1957)
- When was IBM Founded? (16 June 1911)
- Who are considered the founders of Apple Inc besides Steve Jobs? (Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne)
- Who is considered the original author of the Bitcoin concept? (Satoshi Nakamoto)
- NetMarket.com, considered the world’s first online shopping website, was founded in which year? (1994)
- Which company has the world’s second-largest crude oil reserves? (Saudi Aramco)
- Who owns Tesla? (Elon Musk)
- How much is the surface area of the world’s largest lake, the Caspian Sea? (371,000KM)
- What is the name of the first anti-virus program designed to delete the first virus, “Creeper”? (Reeper)
- When was the first ever video, “Me at the Zoo,” uploaded on Youtube? (23 April 2005)
- Which famous company was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin on 04 Sept 1998? (Google)
- What does a squid eat? Fish and crustaceans
- The Parthenon in Greece was dedicated to which goddess? (Goddess Athena)
- What is the name of the building which serves as the residence and office of the president of the United States of America? (White House)
- Which Island country is known as the “Island of Spice”? (Grenada)
- Which city is considered to have the world’s busiest airport? (Dubai, UAE)
- Where is the largest bone in the human body “Femur” located? (Thigh)
- Arachnophobia relates to the fear of which insect? (Spider)
- What is the color of the sun? White
- Which mammal is renowned for having the greatest longevity? (Tortoise)
- Africa covers how many hemispheres of the earth? (Four)
Fun Trivia Questions

- Who was Jaffar’s evil sidekick in the movie Aladdin? Iago
- Who played the part of Captain Jack Sparrow in the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean”? Johnny Depp
- Who won American Idol 2008? David cook
- How many awards have been won by Game of Thrones? 272
- Which dog breed can kill a wolf? The Kangal
- Which fast and furious actor is dead? Paul Walker
- Which musical artist achieved the milestone of reaching a billion streams on Spotify in the shortest amount of time? Miley Cyrus
- Who is the most popular Youtuber? James Donaldson ( Mr.Beast)
- Which kid’s tv channel has the most subscribers? Cocomelon
- What is the net worth of Elon Musk? As of 2023, 240.7 billion USD
- Which is the fastest racing horse breed? Thoroughbred
- Which kind of wines are considered healthiest? Red wines (Pinot Noir and Merlot)
- Who invented the first toilet? Alexander Comming
- Who did the pharaohs worship? Amun-ra, Horus, Osiris
- What is the name of a Chinese wedding dress for women? Cheongsam or Qipao.
- Which country is famous for producing Tea? China
- Which currency holds the distinction of being the most powerful in the world? Kuwaiti Dinar
- Where did the Titanic sail from? Southampton, England
- Which is the smallest country in the world? Vatican City
- Ramen is a popular food in…? Japan
- Which creature is famously referred to as the “ship of the desert”? It’s the camel.
- Who is your sister’s son to you? Nephew
- Which country is recognized as the hottest globally? Burkina Faso
- Which is the hottest pepper in the world? Carolina Reaper
- Which fruits are good for blood pressure? Lime, grapefruit, and orange.
- Can a cockroach bite? Yes, but in rare cases.
- Which is the largest species of wolves? Grey wolf
- Can Turkeys fly? Yes
- Which creature possesses the most powerful bite on Earth? Saltwater Crocodiles
- What is the name of a popular dance style in China? Dragon Dance
- Which musician was both deaf and blind? Helen May Martin
- In which country is K2 Mountain? Pakistan
- What is the lifespan of a polar bear? 20-30 years
- Which app has the highest number of downloads in the Google play store? Instagram
- Which is the oldest musical instrument in the world? Neanderthal flute
- How many States are members of the United Nations? 193 states
- Which countries are closest to Antarctica? Argentina and Chile?
- Which country invented the hot dog? Germany
- Which is the author of Freedom Behind the Bars? Donald D Wright
- Where are the largest deposits of Gold located? Australia and Russia
- In which country is the world’s tallest clock tower? Mecca, Saudi Arabia
- What is the national animal of the UK? Lion
History Trivia Questions
- Who is known as the father of Maths? Archimedes
- What is the name of Alexander’s horse? Bucephalus
- Aristotle taught which subject to Alexander? Philosophy
- John Adams served as a second President of which country? US
- Which country holds the title of the greenest country in the world? Denmark
- Which country launched a nuclear attack against Japan? United States
- Which country made the first currency note? China
- Who was Anastasia? Russian princess
- George Bush got elected as the President in which year? 1988
- During Covid, which individual served as the President of the US? Donald Trump
- The construction of The Great Wall of China took how many years? More than 2500 years.
- Whose assassination played a significant role in triggering the onset of World War I? Archduke Ferdinand of Austria
- Who is the CEO of OpenAI? Sam Altman
- Who was Genghis Khan? A Mongol ruler
- In which year did the Battle of Culloden take place? 1976
- Cleopatra belonged to which dynasty? The Ptolemaic dynasty
- Who is Anubis? Protector of graves and a guide to the underworld
- When did Hitler die? April 30, 1945
- In which country did silk originate? China
- In which year did Queen Elizabeth’s crowning ceremony take place? 2 June, 1953
- How long Nelson Mandela spent in Prison? 27 years
- John F. Kennedy’s assassination took place in which year? 22 Nov 1963
- Who gave the idea of Daylight savings? Benjamin Franklin
- Which is the oldest mammal on the planet? Platypus
- Who is believed to be the father of kung fu? Bodhidharma
- What was the aircraft that first landed on the moon? Apollo 11
- In which year did the Soviet Union break? 1991
- When was the first newspaper published? 1650
- Who was the first black President of the United States? Barack Obama
- Who is the first lady to go on a space trip? Valentina Treshkova
- What is Hippocrates known as? The father of Medicine
- Which cartoon was first released by Disney? Snow White
- Which year did Twitter come into existence? 2006
- Who invented the telescope? Galileo
- Who shouted, “The British are Coming!”? Paul Revere
- Who was the last king of the Mughal Empire? Bahadur Shah II
- Who invented the first postal system? Persians
- How long did the Zhou Dynasty rule China? Over 800 years
- Which country is called “the Gift of Nile”? Egypt
- Who is known as the father of fast food? Ray Croc
- In which year was the first Lamborghini built?1963
- When was the Statue of Liberty constructed? 1886
Easy Trivia Questions
- Who discovered America? Christopher Columbus
- What does KFC stand for? Kentucky Fried Chicken
- How many pyramids are in Giza? 3 pyramids
- Which nation holds the distinction of being the largest in terms of land area? Russia
- Who invented the telephone? Graham Bell
- What is the chemical symbol of Carbon? C
- What does the heart pump? Blood
- Wilhelm Rontgen won the Nobel prize in which field? Physics
- Where is the Eiffel Tower? Paris, France
- Who invented the steam engine? James Watt
- Who invented the light bulb? Thomas Edison
- Rome is the capital of which country? Italy
- How many millimeters are there in a centimeter? 10 mm
- Which continent is the largest in terms of landmass? Asia
- How many sides are there in the heptagon? 7 sides
- Which desert holds the title of being the world’s largest? Sahara Desert
- Which is the largest living animal in the world? Blue whale
- Who wrote the play “Romeo and Juliet”? William Shakespeare
- Which organ of the body removes excess water, urea, and waste product from the blood? Kidneys
- What is the name of the world’s longest river? Nile river
- In what year did the Beatles split up? 1970
- How many months of a year have 31 days? 7 months
- When is Halloween celebrated? 31st October
- Which celestial body is often referred to as the Red Planet? Mars
- In cricket, how many stamps are there in each wicket? 3 stamps
- Who gave the Theory of Relativity? Albert Einstein
- Thailand is also known as…?”Land of white elephants.”
- Which country is known as the Country of Rising Sun? Japan
- Which mountain holds the title of being the highest? Mount Everest
- Which planet is known as the morning star? Venus
- Lily is the national flower of which country? France
- Who discovered the three laws of motion? Isacc Newton
- Which continent is known as the Dark Continent? Africa
- Daewoo is a brand of which country? South Korea
- Name the lightest gas. Hydrogen
- Which country is the leading producer of hazelnuts? Türkiye
- Which fruit gives us oil? Coconut
- What is the area of skin between your eyebrows called? Glabella
- The King of Metals is? Gold
- What is the standard unit of temperature in the International System of Units (SI)? Kelvin
- Which acid is present in an apple? Malic acid
- Which country has a rainbow flag? Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador
Good Trivia Questions

- Per eye, how many eyelids does a dog possess? 3 eyelids
- Which is a French dish composed of various vegetables stewed together? Ratatouille
- Which country is the largest producer of rice? China
- Who wrote the novel, Robinson Crusoe? Daniel Defoe
- What term is used to describe the skill and tradition of creating and enjoying delicious cuisine? Gastronomy
- Who is a Sexagenarian? A person in his/her 60’s
- Which of these animals don’t lay eggs- whale or eel? Whale
- Between the heart and the liver, which internal organ has more weight in the human body? Liver
- In what year was the US Declaration of Independence signed? 1776
- What was the name of the first car ever made? Motorwagen
- In the movie Star Wars, what is the count of suns that the planet Tatooine possesses? Two
- Charlize Theron was born in which country? South Africa
- Which country presented the Statue of Liberty as a gift to the United States? France
- How many continents are there in the world? 7
- What temperature in Fahrenheit marks the freezing point of water? 32°F
- Which country holds the title of being the most populous in the world? India
- What does CPU stand for in computing? Central Processing Unit
- What does BMI stand for in regard to the human body? Body Mass Index
- At what age do babies start seeing colors? 4 months
- What do you call a city with more than 10 million inhabitants? Megacity
- Which animal represents the zodiac, Leo? Lion
- Who was Spain’s head from 1939- 1975? Francisco Franco
- Lagos is the largest city in which African country? Nigeria
- In which lunar phase is the moon the least visible to observers on Earth? New Moon
- In an urban legend, which creature is said to inhabit the sewers of New York City?Alligators
- Australian Steve Irwin was killed by which animal? Stingray
- Which word can be used to describe someone who is a lefty? Sinistral
- The scratch test is usually conducted for…? Allergies
- What is the everyday term for sodium hydrogen carbonate? Baking Soda
- In which country did people first use gunpowder? China
- How long did it take to build The London Bridge? 4 years
- Who is the author of the American national anthem? Francis Scott Key
- Which term is used to describe the fear or anxiety specifically related to public speaking? Glossophobia
- Within the confines of our solar system, which is the smallest planet? Mercury
- How much saliva the human body produces each day? One Liter
- How many teeth does a toddler have? 20
- Which fruits are radioactive? Banana and Brazil Nuts
- What is the approximate volume of blood present in a normal human body? 5.6 liter
Friends Trivia Questions

- How long does it take for light emitted by the Sun to travel and touch the Earth’s surface? 8 minutes
- In WW2, what name was given to Germany’s Erwin Rommel? Desert Fox
- Robert Loy was an outlaw, later a folk hero; in which country? Scotland
- Who is generally regarded as the founder of psychoanalysis? Sigmund Freud
- What’s the name of Bart Simpson’s baby sister? Maggie
- In the film “The Love Bug,” what number was displayed on the hood of Herbie, the car? 53
- Which insect bite is associated with Lyme disease? Tick
- Which metal is found at the center of the Earth? Iron
- What is the infamous nickname given to the pirate Edward Teach? Blackbeard
- In what year did the first men set foot on the moon? 1969
- Who was the voice artist of the character Donkey in Shrek? Eddie Murphy.
- How many Oscars has Meryl Streep been nominated for? 21
- What is the position of Earth in relation to its distance from the Sun? Third
- What is acrophobia? Fear of Heights
- Which chess piece has the ability to move exclusively in diagonal directions? Bishop
- What is the standard unit used to measure electrical resistance? Ohm
- What is the study of fungi called? Mycology
- What do you call the red pigment in blood? Haemoglobin
- On average, how many times do you blink in a year? 20 times
- Which is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world? Jericho
- What does the human brain use to establish connections with the body? Nerves
- Which female individual holds the record for the highest number of appearances on the front cover of Time Magazine? Hillary Clinton
- What is the earliest known walled city? City of Jericho
- In the novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, what was Charlie’s last name? Bucket
- What erosion creates U-shaped valleys? Glacial Erosion
- What kind of cheese is prepared from sheep’s milk? Roquefort cheese
- What is the term used to describe a group of donkeys? Drove
- What language is recognized as the national language of Iran? Persian
- Which blood group do universal blood donors have? Group O
- What title does Robert Oppenheimer hold? The Father of Atomic Bomb
- Which country borders the USA directly to the South? Mexico
- In Harry Potter, what was the name of Hagrid’s dragon? Norbert
- Nelson Mandela was a prisoner in which country? South Africa
- Which city is commonly known as “The City of Love”? Paris
- Who became President after Bill Clinton? George W. Bush
- What type of fruit is a valencia? Orange
- In which year did the UK formally leave the European Union? 2020
- Which famous physicist wrote ” A Brief History of Time”? Stephen Hawking
- Walkman is a registered trademark of which company? Sony
- What semi-biographical movie did rapper Emenim star in? 8 mile
- What do you call the male parts of the flower? Stamen
- Who sang “It’s my life”? Bon Jovi
Family Trivia Questions

- Statistically, which bone in the human body is broken the most often? Clavicle
- How many times has Christiano Ronaldo won the Ballon d’Or award? 5 times
- Which singer had a hit with the “Rocket Song”? Elton John
- Which artist was put on trial for the theft of the Mona Lisa painting? Pablo Picasso
- In which country did conga drum and conga music originate? Cuba
- Which number does the prefix “tetra” indicate? Four
- In which discipline you cannot win a Nobel prize? Mathematics
- What is the capital city of Whales? Cardiff
- In World War 2, which country did Hitler invade first? Poland
- What is the world’s oldest recorded civilization? Mesopotamians
- Who had a hit in 2012 with the song “Thrift Shop”? Macklemore
- Baby One More Time was the debut single of which song artist? Britney Spears
- What is the term used to describe the process through which plants transform sunlight into energy? Photosynthesis
- Which one of these is not a primary color- red, orange, or blue? Orange
- Which metal is liquid at room temperature? Mercury
- Andes is located in…?South America
- What is the largest moon in the solar system? Ganymede
- Which country is famous for its tulip fields? Netherlands
- What is the common name of the scapula? Shoulder blade
- Which eye color is considered a genetic mutation? Blue
- What was Netflix before it became a streaming platform? A DVD rental service.
- Which country is Hamlet set in? Denmark
- Which term, associated with illegal hunting, also refers to a cooking technique involving the immersion of food in liquid? Poaching
- How many continents are intersected by the equator? 3
- Which sword is named after the Scottish Gaelic for “Great Sword”? Claymore
- What can you measure with a Fujita scale? Tornadoes
- What is the other name of Nightshade? Belladonna
- What was Cleopatra’s native language? Greek
- Which automotive company made the Ecoboost engine? Ford
- Which one of these metals is not magnetic? Zinc
- Which automotive has a model called 911? Porsche
- Global warming is caused by an excess of which kind of gas? Carbon dioxide
- As of 2023, which country has the most airports? USA
- John Lennon was a part of which popular band? The Beatles
- Which currency is used in Scotland? Pound Sterling
- Who played Batman in the first Batman movie? Lewis Wilson
- In which Netflix show will you find a character named “Eleven”? Stranger Things
- In which cereal grain is gluten commonly found? Wheat.
- In which city will you find the Spanish steps? Rome
- Amazon River flows in which ocean? Atlantic
- Which is the largest note ever issued for public circulation by the US federal reserve? $10,000
- Which is the top crude oil-producing state in the USA? Texas
Science Trivia Questions
- What’s an ideal cholesterol level? Less than 200 mg/dl
- Which color absorbs the most heat? Black
- How many bones does a human body have? 206 bones
- A Rainbow contains how many colors? 7 colors
- Which natural substance is considered the hardest on Earth? A Diamond
- What is the speed at which light travels? 299 792 458 m / s
- What does a sound need to travel? A medium like solid, liquid, or gas?
- Which indoor plants grow without sunlight? ZZ plant, Lucky Bamboo, Cast Iron Plant, Chinese Evergreen, Monstera
- Which sea animal has 3 hearts? Octopus
- How long does a Blue Whale live? 80-90 years
- Which animal has 32 brains? Leech
- How many eggs does a normal lizard lay? 4-8 eggs
- What do you call a male sheep? A ram
- Which is the coldest water on the planet? Antarctic bottom water
- How do jellyfish eat and release waste? From its mouth
- What is a fish egg called? Caviar or Roe
- How fast can a crocodile swim in water? 15 -18 mph
- How loud can a human yell? 80-125 DB
- Which animal is lazy but smart? Koalas
- Who invented the airplane? Wright Brothers
- Who discovered the structure of DNA? James Watson and Francis Crick
- Who invented the theory of natural selection? Charles Darwin
- Who is stronger: a Grizzly bear or a Polar bear? Grizzly bear
- Do gorillas eat meat? They are vegetarian, but they do eat termites and ants.
- Which gas is responsible for creating foam in a beer? Carbon dioxide
- Which African country has nuclear power? South Africa
- Which acid helps break down food in the stomach? Hydrochloric acid
- How far can an eagle see? 3 km
- What is the name of our galaxy? Milky way
- Who is often referred to as the King of Pop? Micheal Jackson
- How many consonants are there in the English language? 21
- What’s the name of Barack Obama’s wife? Michelle
- In which forest do Robin Hood and his merry men live? Sherwood
- Which fruit Snow White ate that had poison in it? Apple
- What type of animal is Pomeranian? Dog
- Entomology is the study of…? Insects
- In which year Windows XP was released? 2001
- Which gas causes the balloon to float upwards? Helium
- Which country has the longest coastline in the world? Canada
- Which 1972 game is based on table tennis? Pong
- Fuji, Gala, and Cortland are types of which fruit? Apples
- What do you call a baby goat? A kid
Best Trivia Questions
- What does MMM stand for? Mixed Martial Arts
- Which comet returns to Earth Vicinity every 75 years? Halley’s Comet
- On which planet will you have the highest weight? Jupiter
- A group of which animals is called an unkindness? Ravens
- What would you call a person skilled in telling anecdotes? Raconteur
- In horse riding, in which metal supports would a rider place his feet? Stirrup
- In traditional Monopoly, what square is diagonally opposite to Go? Free Parking
- Which anniversary is known as “The Golden Anniversary”? 50th anniversary
- What color litmus paper turns when in contact with acid? Red
- Which planet was first discovered using the telescope? Uranus
- What is considered the largest empire to ever exist? Mongol Empire
- In the movie “The Matrix,” which pill does Neo take? Red
- Which singer always had a plaster in his music video? Nelly
- What is the capital of Canada? Ottawa
- Where is the River Thames? UK
- Which state is known as the sunshine state in the USA? Florida
- How many faces does a cube have? 6
- How many stripes are there on the United States flag?13
- Which country is famous for inventing the Sauna? Finland
- What’s the soft spot on a baby’s head called? Fontanel
- Which organ used the most oxygen? Liver
- Which war did Muhammad Ali refuse to serve in? The Vietnam War
- The Great Hanshin Earthquake Hit which city in Japan on January 17, 1995? Kobe
- Zayn Malik was a former member of which band? One Direction
- In which form of matter are atoms densely packed together? Solid
- In Harry Potter, who is Nearly Headless Nick, the Grey Lady, and the Bloody Baron? Hogwarts Ghosts
- Which dog breed was originally considered sacred in China? Pekingese
- The World Wildlife Fund has which animal on its logo? Panda
- Which word describes someone who can understand and speak multiple languages? Polyglot
- Who played Vito Corleone in the 1972 movie The Godfather? Marlon Brando
- How many years are there in one millennium? 1000 years
- Which bird is used as a symbol of peace? Dove
- On which continent will you find the Sahara desert? Africa
- Which popular video game character is an Italian plumber – Sonic or Mario? Mario
- What nationality was Napoleon Bonaparte? French
- The Silverstone race track is located in which country? England
- How many notes are there in a musical scale? 7
- Which dish is made from squid? Calamari
- What is the electrical charge of a neutron? No charge
- In which country is the castle of Dracula situated? Romania.
- What do you call a group of Lizards? Lounge
- The splitting of white light into its basic colors is known as? Dispersion
With over 500 trivia questions to choose from, you won’t run outta questions for the night. You can even add a few questions on your own to make the game super-exciting. It’s an entertainment game that guarantees to help you gain fresh knowledge with each question posed!
Prepare a list, gather your friends, grab a few beers, and find out who is the most knowledgeable person in the group. To buzz up your game night, try a fun game of Never Have I Ever, Paranoia questions, or some dirty Would You Rather questions afterward that will make your friends keep talking about the party for a long.

I am a passionate beer connoisseur with a deep appreciation for the art and science of brewing. With years of experience tasting and evaluating various beers, I love to share my opinions and insights with others and I am always eager to engage in lively discussions about my favorite beverage.